There are a handful of clever individuals who are telling students that a vertebra "Doesn't go out of place!" and are attempting to leverage unsuspecting young Chiropractors away from the misalignment model (with novel sounding nonsense) even though spinal research has begun to confirm that misalignment's of the spine occur just as Chiropractors have always known.
Spread the news!
A new mechanism has emerged from the research confirming that misalignment's (1.0 mm of translation or 1.0 degree of rotation) happen as a result of the limitations of matter, contributing to our knowledge of the subluxation.
"Wilder postulated that in the unstable spine minor perturbations may result in displacements sufficient to cause activation of the mechaniconociceptors, particularly if there was a loss of fine neuromuscular control mechanisms. Implicit in this analysis is the concept of short segment buckling, in which the important constraints are the short muscles, such as the rotators, intertransversalis, and multifidi; this is in contrast to the long segment buckling that is the control of larger paraspinal muscles."
"...some specimens demonstrated an unstable (nonlinear, buckling) response, which was defined as motions exceeding 1.0 mm of translation or 1.0 degree of rotation. These specimens also demonstrated loss of stiffness and frequently demonstrated rather dramatic, rapid rotations and displacements…For example, during a simulated overload event following 1 hour of simulated sitting (either at a desk or during driving), 40% of the segments buckled, often in a combination of flexion and lateral bending and apparently faster than the rate at which the muscles can respond.
This motion would place the posteriorlateral region of the disc at risk of mechanical derangement."
The Lumbar Spine, edited by James N. Weinstein and Sam W. Wiesel 1990 published by W.B. Saunders Company Chapter 10 Segmental Instability by, John W. Frymoyer, Malcolm H. Pope and David G. Wilder
And yet the innate intelligence responds using the segmental muscles as "stabilizers". "One can assume that one of the roles of the multifidus muscle is to provide ongoing vigilant control of spinal stability by stiffening the motion segments subjected to destabilization. In essence, if such is the case, the multifidus muscles could be designated as active ligaments, capable of increasing and decreasing their tension on neural control, as opposed to passive ligaments with fixed stress-strain relationships."
The Ligamento-Muscular Stabilizing System of the Spine - Moshe Solomonow, PhD, MD (Hon.) et al
Spine Volume 23, Number 23, pp 2552-2562 1998
Advanced Muscle Palpation teaches Chiropractors that still concern themselves with the misalignment model of the vertebral subluxation how to interpret this innate response so that you can offer your patients gentle and specific Chiropractic adjustments prescribed by nature!
If you or your group is interested in learning Advanced Muscle Palpation or using Dr. Nick Spano as a guest speaker about his passion for correcting vertebral subluxations, please contact Dr. Spano directly.