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How to Get More Chiropractic Patients by Making a Few Simple & Free Changes to Your Website

How to Get More Chiropractic Patients by Making a Few Simple & Free Changes to Your Website

If 2020 has taught us even one thing for business success, it's that businesses have to be even more polished, refined and "in the know" when it comes to being a presence online. Rinky-dink websites are not going to drive traffic, make people interested in what you are selling and most importantly will not convert someone to a paying customer. Now is the time more than ever, to spruce up that chiropractic website to help launch your business into 2021.

The biggest key to remember when working with your websites, landing pages, social media, etc is that if your traffic increases but your conversions decrease then you are barking up the wrong tree. As you tinker with some of these suggestions, it's important to check your Google Analytics (which is free) to make sure that an uptick in traffic correlates to an uptick in getting more customers to buy from you or patients to make inquiries.

I don't know about you, but 2020 was not the kindest to our business bottom line so let's start with the freebies. Here are some ways you can tighten up your online presence for free.

Get Listed in Online Directories

I have to admit, this can go into either the free or paid section. There are different versions of online directories out there some for free and some for some $$ but either way online directories are a great way to help people who are interested in you, find you. You are ranked higher on google searches, you are specifically targeting your niche audience and online directories can help boost your SEO. Who doesn't need a little more search engine optimization for free?

Post to Social Media

I would hope at this point in the game, this one would be a no-brainer. Yet not all posts on social media or social media platforms are created equal when it comes attracting the customers you actually want.

Here are a couple free tips for social media:

1. Use Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin for your business posting. Unless you really, really love TikTok and your product targets teenage girls, I'm not sure how many patients are going to be watching TikTok videos in search of their next chiropractor.

2. Use Hashtags...#BackPain, #LowBackPain, #Spine, #Headaches, #PreventativeCare, #ChiropracticCare, #Chiropractic...the list could go on for a millennium, so I suggest pick a handful or do a google search and see what pops up. No need to reinvent the wheel.

3. Use Long-Tail Keywords which are 3+ words used to search for something specific. Again this is where Google can be your friend. Google things that you think patients would type into Google in order to find you. "Can chiropractic help with headaches?" "Can I go to the chiropractor if I'm pregnant?" Then from there, you can add longer keywords to your posts to help direct potential patients to you. It's like getting into the mind of your client and knowing what they want before they even know what they want.

4. Stalk Your Competition, this one is a favorite of mine. (It's my polish blood, I can't help but be nosey.) On Linkedin, FB and IG follow your competition. I like their pages, I follow what they are up to and sometimes I commandeer things like hashtags. It's a good way to try to stay ahead or stay different from your competitors. I also follow people from all over the country (and even other countries) too see what's up.

5. Engage with Your Online Audience, if you are going to do all the work of making sure your posts, hashtags, long-tail keywords, etc are on point then make sure to finish with the last piece of the puzzle. That is, if people start commenting on your posts, then you (or hire someone) to reply and engage with them. The more likes, comments, engagements a post gets it's like more free advertising. It pushes your post to the top of pages and more people will see it.

Check out part two of this blog to find out some simple, but paid ways to boost your online presence and performance.

Kassandra Schultz DC