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What you Should and Should Not Be Doing to Close More Sales

What you Should and Should Not Be Doing to Close More Sales

We are going to keep rolling with my Jordan Belfort Kick.  If you do not know who is he then please read my blog “How to Convert More Sales in Less Time.”

 Let’s begin on a positive note.  Here are some things you should be doing if you want to close more patients and have them stick around longer for care and pay you more money.

  1. You’re Sharp as a Tack: when you talk to the patient on the phone or when they walk through your office door, you need to act like someone who can help that potential patient fulfill their needs and solve their problems.
  2. Enthusiastic as Hell: you have to sound upbeat, positive and full of energy.  If you wanted to have a terrible bedside manner you would have been an MD right?
  3. An Expert in Your Field: it’s been ingrained in us our whole lives to trust and believe those in power and authority. During your sales process, you have to show them you know what you are talking about.
  4. Tonality: there are almost 30 different tonalities we as humans use all the time in our conversations. Here are few that can really make a difference: “absolute certainty,” “the reasonable man” and “sincerity.” I would recommend either his program to learn more about them or a NLP program that focuses on tonality.


Here are a few ideas of what you shouldn’t be doing:

  1. Don’t say dumb things! I love this one, but sometimes the urge is overwhelming. Try and control your urges, stick to the plan & close some patients for life.
  2. Screwing up the First 4 Seconds: you only have 4 seconds in the beginning of an interaction to demonstrate that you are “sharp as a tack,” “enthusiastic as hell” and “an expert in your field.” Even if you're tired, crabby and didn’t sleep well the night before, it’s still a better idea to slap a smile on your face and get to it in those first 4 seconds. Otherwise you may lose the patient right away, or the rest of the sales process will be even more arduous.
  3. Not Weeding out the People who aren’t a right fit for your practice: I will give you a great example. I stopped accepting insurance about a year into when I first opened my practice.  I could not wrap my mind around not getting paid for 3-4 months on top of fighting for the money from insurance companies. Subsequently, when a new patient calls in and they ask about insurance and my standard flat fees, I tell them.  I do not want an insurance based practice.  Why would have someone who insists on using their insurance even walk through the door?
  4. Don’t waste your time on people who don’t want or need your service, shouldn’t be buying it (because it’s not a good fit for them) and/or can’t afford it
  5. Some People are Never Going to Buy: some people are just not closable for what you selling. The only time it becomes an issue if you don’t close them and then the potential patient goes down the street and pays out of pocket for a different chiropractic service.  Then there might be a glitch in your process.


For more info on the “Straight Line Persuasion” system by JB check out:

Kassandra Schultz D.C.