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September is national suicide awareness in the US.  From everything I’ve been hearing and reading, suicide have skyrocketed this year. I’m not going to quote any specific statistics because I’m not sure if the agencies that handle mental health have a super clear idea of what those numbers are yet.  I think it’s safe to say, with the horror show of 2020 how could our mental health as a general population not be affected?  According to...
I have done quite a bit of sales training over the years and one of my absolute favorite sales guys is Jordan Belfort. I will be the first to say, JB is a unique individual. If you are easily offended by colorful language then he probably isn’t the guy for you.  Depending on if you are a movie buff or how much you remember news stories it’s possible JB’s name might ring a bell for a different reason. His story was depicted in the movie...
Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone is getting knee replacements lately? Ok maybe not everyone is getting them but I have patients in their late 40’s and early 50’s with total knee replacements.  The procedure does not seem to be reserved for little old ladies anymore.  With the advancement of technology which allows people at younger ages to qualify and the tidal wave of baby boomers do you feel totally equipped to handle pre and...
Hallelujah! Spring has almost sprung and with under a month left of winter, it’s time to start prepping patients on how to shake off the winter pounds.  If your patients are anything like mine, winter is not kind on the waistline.  It starts with Halloween candy, flows into gluttony of Thanksgiving and Christmas, then finishes with a mix of sugar and booze on New Year’s Eve. Add in dark and gloomy days with little sunlight, and it’s a recipe...
Troll through Facebook, turn on the news, or go to the main page of Yahoo and it’s all there.  Bold scary letters, threatening titles, and fingers being pointed in every direction of who to blame and how to control the most recent flu epidemic.  As a chiropractor, I have no doubt that my fellow colleges have our opinions on some of these hot topics like the flu vaccine, the CDC, mandatory vaccinations, etc. Today, we will steer away from the...
Three Ways to Help Our Patients Stop the Madness   Here we are again, the start of another year.  “New Year, New You,” “Make 2018 the best year yet,” “2018 is the year it finally happens,” blah, blah, blah.   It does not take much looking around to see these mantras posted all over social media, TV, and radio ads. Year after year, hearing the same worn out adages makes it like living in the Peanuts cartoons.  We are like Charlie Brown,...
One of the best parts of being a chiropractor is that we have the opportunity to build real relationships with our patients.  Seeing patients once, twice, three times a week for a length of time (sometimes once a month for years), we get an inside look at how they live their lives.  Career changes, marriages, divorces, children, and serious medical conditions, give us a peek into their daily/weekly habits.  We all know the patients who like...
There are a handful of clever individuals who are telling students that a vertebra "Doesn't go out of place!" and are attempting to leverage unsuspecting young Chiropractors away from the misalignment model (with novel sounding nonsense) even though spinal research has begun to confirm that misalignment's of the spine occur just as Chiropractors have always known. Spread the news! A new mechanism has emerged from the research...