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  Search Chiropractic Jobs Chiropractic Jobs Chiropractic Jobs: Looking for a new opportunity or need to recruit for your clinic? Whenever you're looking or advertising, Chiro Recruit is the global "go-to" job board. We are a specialist chiropractic jobs portal where new graduates, associates and locums can add their profile for clinic owners and employers to find and search the latest chiropractic jobs worldwide. The profession...
80 hours a week, 14 days in a row..leads me to a very hard learned lesson.  What is the lesson? If you are a manager, general manager or business owner who develops, hires and/or trains employees the lesson is always be recruiting . When you’re not always on the hunt for new talent that’s when the old talent is going to leave you hanging. Have you ever noticed that when you don’t have extra money sitting in the bank the car breaks down,...
I think one of the most powerful things about owning a business is the ability to leverage making money without performing some or all of the service. This amazing gift requires one monumental thing…a great team. The hiring process can prove to be one of the more difficult tasks when it comes to running a successful business.  Unless you have worked for the government interrogating people it’s not easy to ask the right questions and...
We live in an age where information comes to us in small pieces, like 10 second videos, sound bytes, word bytes, tweets, and pictures.  Whether you are into the social media sphere or you still prefer your reading materials printed as opposed to on a tablet, it doesn’t matter.  If you want a great employee, you are going to need a few things in your job description to win over the roving eyes of young chiropractors.   1.    Know Your...
Your Future Boss Isn’t the Only One who should Be Asking Questions (Your Future Self Will Thank You)     Whether you are fresh out chiropractic school or you have been in the workforce for a while, it is always good to be prepared when the time comes to go on a job hunt.  I thought after walking across the graduation stage, the hard part was over.  As it turns out, that would only be the beginning of a very difficult process....
​Which one Works for You?   I remember my first couple of months in practice.  I was working for a relatively high volume doctor.  In about two months, I went from adjusting a handful of patients every week in school, to upwards of 50-70 patients a week in my new job.  At night, I would go home with a sore lower back, right hand pain, and think, “how in the world am I going to keep this up for the next 30 years?” Five years later, with...
Ugh, the dreaded job interviews.  For some, going to the dentist might seem like a walk in the park compared to gearing up for what could make or break your chances at getting a job position. Usually, the more you want the job, the more nerve racking the interview becomes! What to wear, what to say (or not say), how to make a good first impression, the list is endless when getting yourself prepared for the interview.  Fear not, for I have...
I just got off the phone with a doc who is struggling with his entire team of "millennials" He told me he is challenged because the young woman think different than he does , and that's not how his kids were raised. Because I have hired and focus on this generation he wanted some help and perspective ... Here's what I told him... The downfall of this generation is their parents never wanted them to "suffer, or go through what they went...
I am sure you are aware how important your chiropractic resume/CV is in securing an interview. In a recent survey of recruiters, nearly 90% said that the bulk of resumes/CV they received contained errors. Shocking, perhaps, but a great opportunity for you to get your resume/CV right the first time. I use a process called A.I.D.A. – an acronym used in Marketing and Advertising that describes a common list of events that may occur when a...
The demand for chiropractors is always high and this means that it can be difficult to capture the attention of a potential associate, what with so many other practices seeking associates. Chiropractors have a major influence on your clinic; therefore, the way in which a Chiropractic Associate Job Advert is structured will affect your number of applications and possibly how seasonable the candidate is. To recruit chiropractors who can provide...